Leeds Cycle Superhighway traffic light

WSP – CityConnect Cycle Superhighway

Measurement And Pricing Of Change





  • Contract value


  • CEs reviewed


  • Client savings


CityConnect: Supporting sustainable and active travel

Client need

CityConnect was a West Yorkshire Combined Authority and Leeds City Council project supporting improvements to sustainable and active travel. Phase one of the project involved the construction of 14km of segregated cycle route between Leeds and Bradford, along with the introduction of 20mph zones in various areas along the route.

Due to the nature of the works – highways alternations along both directions of a 14km urban route – a large number of changes were made post contract. The principal consultant for the project, WSP, appointed CappKind to support them with the measurement, quantification, pricing and close-out of these changes with the contractor.

Leeds Cycle Superhighway road markings

CappKind's contribution to CityConnect's project success

CappKind solution

Working alongside the existing WSP – CityConnect Cycle Superhighway team, CappKind took responsibility for evaluating and agreeing with the contractor a large proportion of the outstanding compensation events. This involved estimating and assessing construction costs in relation to numerous aspects of highways works including kerbing, carriageway / footway construction and surfacing, drainage, earthworks, signing / lining and urban traffic control.

Our primary responsibilities included:

  • Review and challenge of contractor compensation event quotations, including review of contractual entitlement, verification of defined cost records, bottom-up estimating of construction elements and benchmarking of prices in order to determine compliance with the contract and value for money.
  • Independent measurement and estimating exercises to price larger changes, and those for which a contractor’s quotation had not been received.
  • Collaboratively working with the contractor to negotiate agreement on compensation event pricing.
  • Contribution to wider assessments relating to weather events, prolongation staff thickening and disruption claims.

The impact

The impact

We reviewed over 680 compensation events and facilitated agreement with the contractor on over 600 of these. As a result, both parties to the contract had far greater certainty regarding the forecast outturn position of the project.

CappKind’s involvement in the WSP – CityConnect Cycle Superhighway project provided new impetus to progressing agreement on outstanding compensation events and our collaborative approach encouraged improved communications between the key parties, driving progress on closing out the project.

Having undertaken independent measurement and estimating exercises for all outstanding items, the client was provided with a more robust position from which to pursue final agreement on the contract.

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